My name is Jada and I am the owner of Fluorescent Enlightenment. I am a Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master and a Theta Healing practitioner. I begin my journey in 2017 with Reiki sessions. With Reiki I was able to release energetic baggage that I had absorbed in unhealthy environments and situations that had been presented throughout my life. This led me to discover what Reiki is and its energetic benefits. Recently, I was able to add Theta Healing to my modalities after attending a Creative Emotional Wizardry Seminar. Theta Healing has assisted with changing my old belief systems so that I can change my reality into a healthy and thriving life. Going through my own personal shadow work allowed an opening for me to overcome shame, guilt and learn to speak up for myself by setting healthy boundaries. I am now more confident with who I am, whom I am to become and how to manifest with the power of my own cosmic design.